Main Page


I'm a sustainability consultant working in beautiful Vancouver, BC. I work with organizations to reach their waste reduction and circular economy goals. When I'm not chipping away at the global sustainability crisis, you can find me outside: on top of a mountain, in a lake, or under the sea.

My Work

I am currently working with health organizations in the Metro Vancouver region as part of the Energy & Environmental Sustainability team, specializing in waste reduction and circular economy practice within health care. I focus on research and special projects, data collection and analysis, and staff education and engagement as tools to bring about lasting organizational change.

Data Collection and Analysis

Having the right data tells you where to focus in order to improve your operations.  Bad data means bad decisions, so it's important to get the right numbers.

Research and Special Projects

In an ever-changing field, it's important to identify new sustainability trends and test them in your organization to see how they can work for you.

Education and Engagement

True change comes from inspiring the members of the organization to be involved.  Getting the staff on board means that positive changes will stick.


Here is a small selection of recent work and projects I have been involved with. Click the links below to see more details.

Cafeteria Waste Campaign

Communications and Engagement

Waste Reduction Workshops

Presentations and Speaking Engagements


I'd love to hear about your projects, ideas, and organizational innovations.